Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Functions of financial mamagement
The decisions or functions that are to be performed by financial management to archive the objectives of the firm are known as finance functions. In the initial stage of development of financial management, the finance functions a firm were limited only to collection of funds. Now the functions and responsibilities of financial management have extended to collection and efficient utilization of funds. A separate finance department is normally structured in large organizations. The responsibility in finance department is comprehensive and clearly defined in
Managerial Actions to maximoize shareholder wealth
Stockholders' wealth can be maximized by maximizing the price of a firm's stock. To maximize the price of a firm's stock, the management must consider the following things:
- Projected earning per share
- Timing of the earning stream
- Riskiness of the projected earning
- Use of debt
- Dividend policy
Thus, stock price is also effaced by the dividend policy adopted by a firm. A firm should follow optimal dividend policy that
can maximize the market price of stocks.
can maximize the market price of stocks.
stock PriceMaximization and Social Welfare
The primary goal of the corporation is to maximize shareholder's wealth. But there is correlation between social welfare and stock price maximization, due to the following reasons.
- To a large extent, the owners of stock are society:Seventy five years ago this was not true, because most stock ownership was concentrated in the hands of a relatively small segment of society,comprised of the wealthiest individuals. Since, then has been explosive growth in pension funds, life insurance companies and mutual funds.Most people with a retirement plan have an indirect ownership interest in stock. Thus most members of society now have an important stake in the stock market,either directly or indirectly. Therefore, when a manager takes actions to maximize the stock price, this potentially improves the qualities of life for millions of ordinary people.
- Consumer's benefit : stock price maximization requires efficient, low cost business that produces high quality goods and service at the lowest possible cost. This means that companies must develop products and services that consumers want and need.
- Employee benefit:If the company is able to increase stock prices also grow and add more employees .thus benefiting society.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Stock are the real owners of a corporation.They purchase stocks because they want to a good on their investment without under risk exposure. Stockholders first select directors who then hire managers to run the corporation on a day to day basis. Managers are supposed to be working on behalf of stockholders.So, financial managers need to know about the interest of the stockholders. There is no unanimity about that interest of stockholders. Some people believe that maximizing corporate profit is the interest of stockholders. On the other side, many people believe that maximizing this wealth is the interest of stockholders. Let is explain about these two interest short.
Profit Maximization
The profit maximization has been recognized as the goal of financoal management on the following grounds:
Wealth maximization is the superior goal to profit maximization due to the following reasons:
Profit Maximization
The profit maximization has been recognized as the goal of financoal management on the following grounds:
- Only those firms survive in the long run in a competitive amount of profit.
- Profit maximization is a time honored goal of a firm.
- It has been found extremely accurate in predicting certain aspect of a firm's behavior and trends.
- Profit is the most reliable measure of the efficiency of a firm.It is also the source of internal finance.
- Profit can be used as a performance evaluation criteria and profit maximization leads efficient allocation of resources.
Wealth maximization is the superior goal to profit maximization due to the following reasons:
- Profit maximization goal ignores the timing of returns whereas stockholders' wealth maximization goal considers it.
- Profit maximization goal does not consider the risk or uncertainty of the prospective earning stream whereas stockholders' wealth maximization goal considers it.
- Benefits are measured in terms of cash flows. In investment and financing decisions, cash flow are more relevant than accounting profit.
- It is relevant to ling run.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The financial manager
A financial manager is a person who is responsible for a significant investment and financing decision. He or she is responsible to carry out the finance functions. The financial manager occupies a key position in an organization. He or she in one of the members of the top management team and his or her role is becoming more pervasive, intensive and significant in solving the complex management to that of maintaining problem. Now, his or her functions are not confined to that of maintaining records, preparing reports and raising funds when needed. He or she is not a staff officer in a passive role of an adviser. The financial manager is now involved in the most vital decision of the allocation of scarce capital. In his or her new role, he or she needs to have a broader and far- sighted outlook, and must ensure that the funds of the enterprise are utilized in the most efficient manner. He or she must realize that his or her actions have far reaching consequences for the firm because they influence the size, profitability, growth and survival of the firm. Therefore, financial managers must have a clear understanding and a strong grasp of the nature and scope of financial functions.
Responsibilities of Financial Manager
The main task of financial manager is to manage the acquisition and efficient utilization of cash so as to maximize the value of the firm. Almost all the areas of a firm are affected by he functions or failure of a firm of a depends upon the decision of the financial manager. The major responsibilities of financial manager are as follows:
1.Financial planning and forecasting
2.Major investment and financing decision
3.Co-ordination and control
4.Dealing with the financial markets
5.Risk management
Responsibilities of Financial Manager
The main task of financial manager is to manage the acquisition and efficient utilization of cash so as to maximize the value of the firm. Almost all the areas of a firm are affected by he functions or failure of a firm of a depends upon the decision of the financial manager. The major responsibilities of financial manager are as follows:
1.Financial planning and forecasting
2.Major investment and financing decision
3.Co-ordination and control
4.Dealing with the financial markets
5.Risk management
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Capital Bugeting
Finance, the art and science of managing money, affects the lives every person and every organization. Finance concerned with the process, institution involved in the transfer pf money among and between individuals, business and governments.
Managerial finance which concern with the duties of the financial managers in the business firm. Financial managers actively manage the financial affairs of many types of business - private and public, large and small, financial and non financial, profit seeking and not profit seeking. They administrative investment analysis and funds procurement.
Managerial finance which concern with the duties of the financial managers in the business firm. Financial managers actively manage the financial affairs of many types of business - private and public, large and small, financial and non financial, profit seeking and not profit seeking. They administrative investment analysis and funds procurement.
Monday, April 12, 2010
The components of net cash outlay in capital budgeting decision
The initial investment outlay refers to the incremental cash flows that occurs only at the start of a project's life,CFO. The initial invest includes such cash flows:
1. purchase price of the new asset: This is the purchase price paid for the acquisition of a new fixed asset. Purchase price of the assets increase the cash outflow.
2.Cost of installation and transportation: Installation and transportation costs are added to purchase price of asset to determine depreciable value of an investment.
3.Change in working capital : Working capital may be increased or decreased at the time of investment increase in net working capital increase the amount of initial investment and decrease in net working capital decrease the amount of initial investment.If it is increase in zero year, it has to be treated
1. purchase price of the new asset: This is the purchase price paid for the acquisition of a new fixed asset. Purchase price of the assets increase the cash outflow.
2.Cost of installation and transportation: Installation and transportation costs are added to purchase price of asset to determine depreciable value of an investment.
3.Change in working capital : Working capital may be increased or decreased at the time of investment increase in net working capital increase the amount of initial investment and decrease in net working capital decrease the amount of initial investment.If it is increase in zero year, it has to be treated
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Marginal Cost of Capital (MCC)
The MCC is defined as the cost of the last rupee of new capital that the firm raises, the marginal cost rises as more and capital is raised during a given period. A firms marginal cost of also know as weighted marginal cost of WMCC reflects the fact that as the volume of total new financing increase, raising the firms cost of capital. Breaking points, which are found by structure weight, represent the level of total new financing at which the cost of one of the financing components rises, causing an upward shift in the weighted marginal cost of capital. The weighted average cost of capital is the firm WACC associated with its next rupee of total new financing. For the project evulation purpose, the marginal to cost of capital is more relevent then
the weighted average cost of capital .
Du point analysis
The Du point system of analysis is named for the Du point Corporation, which originally popularized its use. It is used by financial managers to dissect the firms financial statements and to assess its financial condition.Du point system merges the income statement and balance sheet into two summary measures profitability, return on total assets and return on equity.
The Du point system links the net profit margin with its total assets turn over.The Du point formula then multiplied these two ratios to find the firms return on assets(ROA):
Substituting the approriate formulas into the equation and simplifying produce for formula given earlier:
The Du point formula allows the firm to brisk down its return on total assets into profit on sales and an efficiency of assets use component.Typically, a firm which low net profit margin has total assets.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Limiations of financial ratio
The ratio analysis is the important tool of the financial analysis of the any firm. Many people are interested to know about the financial informatics and growth of the firm. For this purpose, they use financial ratios.They can predict the ratio for the future too. Ratio analysis measure the liquidity, efficient , turnover and profitable of the firm.
Most estimates of the predictive power of financial ratios are based on the analyst's past experience with them.
A number of empirical studies have tested for the predictive power of ratios. In most of studies, ratios are used to predict the business failure. Other tested the power of ratios to predict corporate bond rating keeping the dependent variable. Then uses the regression analysis.
The most commonly uses ratios for predictive purpose are debt to equity, cash flow to total debt, profit margin, debt coverage, return on investment.
therefore the ratios analysis has the predictive power of the firm's performance evaluation.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Financial ratio analysis
Financial ratio analysis designed the relative strengths and weakness of business operations. It also provides a framework for financial planning and control. Financial managers need the information provided analysis both on to evaluate the firm's past performance and to map future plans. Financial statement analysis involves a study of the relationship between income statement and balance sheet accounts, how these relationship change over time and how a particular firm compares with other firms in its industry .Although financial analysis has limitations, when used with care and judgment, it can provide some very useful insights into the operations of a company.
There are many types of financial ratios. they are as follows:
1.Liquidity ratio
a. current ratio
b.Quick ratio
2.Assets management ratio
a.Inventory turnover ratio
3.Debt ratio
4.Profitability ratio
5.Market value ratio
There are many types of financial ratios. they are as follows:
1.Liquidity ratio
a. current ratio
b.Quick ratio
2.Assets management ratio
a.Inventory turnover ratio
3.Debt ratio
4.Profitability ratio
5.Market value ratio
Importance of Financial Mangement or managerial finance
Managerial finance is important in all business including banks and other financial institutions, as industrial and retail firms. Its is also important government operations, schools, hospitals and highway departments.
Managerial finance is important for people in marketing, accounting, production, personnel and others areas to understand finance in order to do a good job their own fields.Marketing people , for example, must understand how marketing decisions affects and are affected by funds availability, by inventory levels, by excess plant capacity, and so on. Similarly, accounts must understand how accounting data are used in corporate planning and are viewed by investors.
Now days the important of managerial finance increasing day by day. Failure and deteriorating of many corporations increase the importance of the managerial finance. For example,the failure of Neon Air Limited,deteriorating of performance of the Nepal Bank Limited. etc. Most Of the corporations fail due to the improper financial management. Such type of management arises due to the lack of adequate know edge in financial decision making process.
The importance of managerial finance or financial management can be below:
1. To make investment decision
2. To make capital structure
3. To make dividend decision
4. To make working capital decision
5. To archive certain goal
Managerial finance is important for people in marketing, accounting, production, personnel and others areas to understand finance in order to do a good job their own fields.Marketing people , for example, must understand how marketing decisions affects and are affected by funds availability, by inventory levels, by excess plant capacity, and so on. Similarly, accounts must understand how accounting data are used in corporate planning and are viewed by investors.
Now days the important of managerial finance increasing day by day. Failure and deteriorating of many corporations increase the importance of the managerial finance. For example,the failure of Neon Air Limited,deteriorating of performance of the Nepal Bank Limited. etc. Most Of the corporations fail due to the improper financial management. Such type of management arises due to the lack of adequate know edge in financial decision making process.
The importance of managerial finance or financial management can be below:
1. To make investment decision
2. To make capital structure
3. To make dividend decision
4. To make working capital decision
5. To archive certain goal
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Financial Management
Meaning of financial managenent
Financial management can be define as the process of acuiring and using funds to accomplish a financial objective. Simply put ,financial management has ti do with getting your hands on money and deciding how best to spend, save, or invest it.
Some important firm level financial management activities include identifying a business' strengths and weakness, evaluating investment opportunities, forecasting future needs and managing the implementation of the investment. All of these financial management activities require that the manager project the future position of the firm under different scenarios and determine the likelihood of accomplishing stated goals.
Financial management decisions regarding the acquisition of funds must consider whether to acquire funds through one's own financial resources, the financial resources of other investors or by borrowing. Possible outside sources of funding might include commercial banks, the Farm Credit System,Life Insurance Companies, individuals and others, stocks, or bonds.Decisions will also be made about whether to obtain long, short-term,or some combination of long and short tern funds.
Financial management decisions also focus on asset investment opportunities. There is an almost limitless set of investment opportunities available with a wide variety of different characteristics. Some investment will be of a short term nature, such as 'cash' or investor's, while others, such as real estate or production facilities, will provide long term returns. There are investments available that provide fairly certain, low risk returns, while others will provide uncertain,high risk returns.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Liquidity decision
Financial manager should manage the liquidity position of his firm. Current assets should be managed efficiently for safeguarding the firm against the dangers of liquidity and insolvency. If the firm against the dangers as liquidity and insolvency . If the firm does not invest sufficient funds in current assets, it may become liquid. But current assets are non- profit generating assets. Therefore financial manager must concerned.
Diviend Decision
The financial manager is concerned with dividend decisions. The financial manager must decide whether the firm should distribute all profits, retain earning, or distribute a portion and reation the balance. The financial manager must determine the optimum payout ratio, which maximizes the firm's value.
Distribution of profit among shareholders is known as dividend decision. Dividend decision is closely the related with financing decision . Dividend decision includes the decision regarding the retention of profit and profit is retained to meet the need of fund. Therefore dividend decision is also considered as internally financing decision. Critical part of dividend decision is to decide the dividend pay out of ratio. Dividend payout ratio is the proportion of retained earning and dividend out of firm's net profit.
Wealth maximization
Due to limitations of the objectives of profit maximization, it is suggested that the objective of the firm should be maximization of the value of the firm. Wealth maximization means maximizing the net present value of a course of action. The net present value of its benefits and the present value of its costs. A financial action resulting in positive net present value should be accepted . Negative net present value should be rejected. Net present value calculated as follows:
Objective of firm
Financial managers are primarily concerned with investment decisions and financing decisions within business organizations. The great majority of these decisions are made within the corporate business structure. One such issue concerns the objectives of financial decision -making. what goal or goal do managers have in mind when they choose between financial alternatives? Whenever a decision is to be made, management should choose the alternative that most increase the wealth of the owners of the business. These decisions relating to corporation are continuous. To apply these decisions, the corporation.
The difference between firm value maximization and shareholder maximization
Stock price maximization is the most restrictive of the three objective functions. It requires that managers that managers take decisions that maximize stockholder wealth, that bondholders be fully protected from expropriation, that markets be efficient and that social costs be negligible.
Stockholder wealth maximization is slightly less restrictive, since it does not require that markets be efficient. Firm value maximization is the least restrictive, since it does not require that bondholders be protect from expropriation.
Thus, when we make the argument that an action by a firm (such as investing or financing) increase firm vale,this increase in firm value will necessarily translate into increasing stockholder wealth and stock price only if the more restrictive assumptions hold. Conversely,an action that stock price in a world where the less restrictive assumptions do not hold may not necessarily increase firm value.
Stockholder wealth maximization is slightly less restrictive, since it does not require that markets be efficient. Firm value maximization is the least restrictive, since it does not require that bondholders be protect from expropriation.
Thus, when we make the argument that an action by a firm (such as investing or financing) increase firm vale,this increase in firm value will necessarily translate into increasing stockholder wealth and stock price only if the more restrictive assumptions hold. Conversely,an action that stock price in a world where the less restrictive assumptions do not hold may not necessarily increase firm value.
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